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You Might Be a Diehard If... have the autograph of Schilling's daughter.
– Billy Rainsford taught your 3- and 5-year-old nieces to say "Always the Red Sox NEVER the Yankees" and "Red Sox RULE Yankees DROOL" chanting it with their fists in the air! (And every time they say it, it brings a tear to your eye cuz it's so darn cute!)
– August ninth grade your whole English writing grade hinged on your paper about "How the 1975 World Series Revived Baseball", and you got an "A" for content because your teacher didn't know anything about baseball!
– Carolyn White took a date home early because she said A-Rod was her favorite player because he was cute.
– Nick wore your Manny jersey to school every day of the ALCS even though they were down 3 games, and insisted that they were going to come back and win it because you could feel it in your blood.
– Chris were raised in Alaska, chose the BoSox as YOUR team in third grade, applied to Boston University just to be close to Fenway, converted your Braves fan wife, and instantly decorated the guest room in your first house in a Red Sox theme. (For the record, it looks AWESOME!)
– Stacy flew cross-country, arived in Boston two hours before Game 2 of the World Series, took the 1 am red-eye back to Denver, and drove frantically to catch a chemistry exam the next morning.
– Greg Putnam spend 2+ hours in the middle of the night (until about 3:00 am) on your laptop in the hotel on dial-up internet access the night before your national swimming meet just to read all of these diehard comments, all the while thinking "I do that all the time too!"
– Elizabeth believe that naming your child who was born Feb. 29, 2004, BOSTON had something to do with the World Series win. Born and raised in Hawaii and a Red Sox diehard, so much that we went to Boston for the 2004 World Series, slept in our rental car to be at the Rolling Rally, and renewed our vows with matching 2004 World Series rings.
– Georgie Matsu see Jimmy Fallon's apartment in the movie Fever Pitch and point out... I have that... I have that... Man, they could have filmed this in my house!
– Amy've worn thigh-high red socks, shorts, and a Red Sox T-shirt and hat to work on casual day.
– Tracy Brown sold your furniture during your college days to pay for a road trip to watch the Sox play.
– Bill Rowell were diagnosed with testicular cancer while living in Oregon, had the surgery to remove the cancer but then chose to fly home to go to the playoffs in '98 instead of starting radiation treatments. My doctor, a baseball fan (from NY so you know who his team was) understood but did not condone my actions. I'm still here to tell the story so it all worked out for me but not the Sox, at least not that year.
– Matt Dahlstrom wake up from emergency surgery to ask your doctor "Did they win Game 4?" only to find out you only missed the first three innings, so you ask to be wheeled to the nearest TV, never asking how the surgery went.
– Beth root for your son's hockey team to lose so the money not spent on the regional hockey tournament can get you to Fenway!
– John Kowzan named your dog Theo... even though the dog was a girl.
– Scott get to name your son Fenway Parker S. after winning a bet with your wife.
– John S. got 3 hours of sleep each day since you woke up at 3 am the morning of every game during the 2004 postseason so you could watch the Red Sox win the Series on Armed Forces Network Television because you were in Baghdad - even after the Sox were down 3 games to none because you didn't want to miss the last game of the season.
– Matt buy two parakeets when the Sox are in the Series and name them "Manny" and "Papi" for good luck.
– Ashley wore the same Red Sox t-shirt to watch every single post season game the Sox played in, even after you spilled beer and buffalo sauce down the front of it. You didn't care because you knew that you had the power to help the Sox win. After seeing Boone hit that home run, you have not worn the shirt since.
– Nikki
       ...your softball coach knew you as "Nomar" before he found out your real name halfway through the season.
– Kristina accidentally grab a pint glass at a bar in NY then drop it in hysterics causing it to smash because it has a Yankee symbol on it.
– Heather
       ...your sorority has a "I'm so glad I'm not a..." mixer, and you dress up as a Yankees fan.
– Emily
       ...the greatest moment in your life was when you found out that your great-grandfather's name was Freddy Parent and he was a shortstop who played with Cy Young and won the World Series in 1903.
– Gary Parent sit on one side of the couch for offense and the other for defense.
– Alyssa
       ...after just being ordained a priest you begin Mass NOT with "in the name of the Father and of the Son, etc." but with "How 'bout 'dem Sox" the day after the Sox pound the Yankees.
– Charlie were on vacation in Florida during the October 2003 playoffs, no cable, no internet, etc., but were able to find an AM station that was playing the game, but it didn't come in at all unless you drove the car in circles around a certain area in the parking lot next to a mosquito-infested swamp (don't ask how we found that "sweet spot") and you couldn't stop driving because the reception would be lost.
– Jill sat in the bleachers in Yankee Stadium when Clemens went for his 300th win with a sign that said, "Go Sox - Deny 300".
– Jesse Belknap
       ...during the October playoffs, you paint "Red Sox Fans Believe" on a bed sheet and hang it out your upstairs window, when you live in upstate NY and all your neighbors are Yankee fans!!
– Karen Jane Caisse
       ...when Jim Rice was minor league hitting coach, he showed up at Yale Field to watch the BriSox play the Ravens, and you made your ten-year-old daughter follow him into the clubhouse to get his autograph.
– Tom bring 20 "Yankees Suck" shirts to Minnesota to sell to people on campus, to spread the good word... and it makes you happy every time you see someone wearing one, even if they are a Twins fan.
– Ari Ofsevit shaved your head and wore your Trot jersey (unwashed for 3 weeks under your suit while you worked at one of Boston's best steak houses) for the entire 2003 playoffs.
– Brian Simpson travelled from Belfast to Anaheim to watch the Red Sox on the road because you can't get flights to Boston.
– Jonathan Bradley refuse to call your long-time friend Jarrod by his nickname (J-Rod) because every time you hear it, you cringe.
– Megan
       ...while at the Boston Pops concert you sat in the lobby through the whole performance so you could listen to the Red Sox game on your headphones.
– Jessica Medeiros drove 325 miles from Syracuse, New York to Boston with your three friends from college, and then proceeded to spend $200 each on last row grandstand tickets for ALDS Game 3 vs. the A's and didn't care, because hey... they're the SOX, baby!
– Chris go to game seven of the ALCS with a "Cowboy Up Zimmer Down" sign.
– Heather were at a resort in Aruba that didn't get the Sox game so you ran - yes, ran - 2 miles to one on the other side of the island only to find out that the satellite feed wasn't coming in. You then ran back to your hotel and watched the CNN ticker. The next day you ran back and they got the game. The Sox won.
– Jake Burke brought Baby Ruth candy bars to Babe Ruth's gravesite in New York to break the curse.
– Josh Milner have two fish named Nomar and Doug (Mirabelli).
– Emily are so upset (as an 8-year-old) when Yaz retires that you take a photo of the TV during his last at bat, and still have the photo today.
– Andrew Finkelman got engaged in the Green Monster seats at Fenway and were put on the big screen, and turned to show your Nomar jersey rather than the ring to the camera crew.
– Jill
       ...your 2-year-old nephew can say Nomar Garciparra in a Boston accent... and you both live in California.
– Brenda listen to Lenny Kravitz's "It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over" three times in a row, stopping in between each playing to say the Hail Mary before games 3, 4, and 5 of the 2003 ALDS. (It worked!)
– Jake Burke live in Orlando and travel to St. Pete for regular season games, Ft. Myers for spring training games, even to Sarasota to see their minor league team and the ONLY reason you got DirecTV was to get NESN.
– Joe Fellini convince your children that the word "Yankees" is a swear word and should never be uttered.
– Mike
       ...when you're having a crappy day, you play "Sweet Caroline" as loud as you possibly can and sing along even louder, imagining yourself in Fenway with your arms around the shoulders of fellow fans, and it never fails to cheer you up.
– Laura were fifteen years old the last time the Sox won the World Series, but remained a faithful fan, listening to every radio broadcast of every game until your death at age 99. (My grandfather... must be where I get it from!)
– Megan've skipped Easter dinner at your own house to sleep outside Fenway to get Opening Day tickets in the pouring rain.
– Jeff Adams can't imagine life any other way.
– Pamela stay up till 2:00 am making a model of Fenway for a school science project.
– Charlie walked all around downtown Toronto for FIVE hours while (unsuccessfully) attempting to find the hotel that the Sox were staying at.
– Adam started chanting "Nomar's better" at Yankee Stadium with Derek Jeter batting while the Yankees were playing the Devil Rays.
– Steve Brooks stood in line for a Dalton Jones autograph at one of Bill Lee's Gray Sox Games. (I still have it.)
– Carl've created a Red Sox encyclopedia so that when your mother doesn't know who Mark Bellhorn is you can just make her look him up.
– Izzy buy tickets to Game 7 of the ALCS on eBay and walk around the Bronx and Times Sqaure all day leading up to the game in full Red Sox gear and somehow manage to live to tell the story.
– Mark are given an F on an English essay because it's the third time in a row you have compared whatever book you were reading in class to the Red Sox. Somehow your English teacher doesn't see the obvious connection between Romeo and Juliet, The Catcher in the Rye, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to Red Sox history.
– Jake Burke had 2 exams the next morning but instead of studying you read "You Might Be a Diehard If" for two hours.
– Joel Wilson
        [Editor's note: If Joel's teachers read this, please give him extra credit!] have the Globe front pages from the Pats' two Super Bowl wins hanging on your wall, with a space in between for when the Sox win the Series.
– Emily

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